Musix mix: The Importance of Musical Diversity In Weddings


Musix mix
Music News and Reference

The Importance of Musical Diversity In Weddings
22 May 2011, 5:14 am

Weddings are occasions that people strive to make perfect. It doesn’t matter if the bride and groom handle the planning, their parents do, or a professional wedding planner is tasked with the planning, they all do their best to make certain the wedding is a day that will be remembered for years to come. Choosing the right caterer, location, decorations, and entertainment are keys to making a wedding reception a success. One of these however can simply make or break a wedding reception and that’s the entertainment.

Choosing the entertainment for a wedding reception will determine what type of music is played, how much an audience is allowed to participate and will even add personality to a reception. It’s important however to add the right type of personality to a reception so that not only the bride and groom enjoy themselves but the whole of their guest list too. In order to do this the person or persons responsible for planning the wedding or choosing the entertainment should find and interview only those acts whose good reputation is preceded only by their versatility. Versatile Orange County wedding bands aren’t hard to find but not all of them who claim to be versatile actually are.

Some Orange County wedding bands define versatility as the ability or willingness to play two or three styles of music. Others embody true versatility because not only do they play music from nearly every type of genre but excel in those styles as well. Furthermore versatile wedding bands aren’t afraid to take requests from the wedding party and guests. Less versatile bands often stick to a rigid set list and don’t interact much with guests which can really take the life out of a wedding reception. Bands who involve guests by way of audience participation always help bolster good times and make a wedding reception a great one.

In addition to being musically diverse a good Orange County wedding band will offer or include in their package a number of smaller services that help make a wedding reception run smooth and a fantastic time. Among these smaller services none are more important than Emcee services. Every wedding reception should have a charismatic personality behind the microphone to introduce the wedding party, make special announcements, announce meals, and get guests excited and out on the dance floor. Such a service may seem insignificant at first glance but musical acts who include this service in their package will liven up any reception they attend.

Weddings all have different guest lists and those lists generally include a number of different age groups, backgrounds, and lifestyles. Choosing a musically diverse Orange County wedding band ensures that everyone will hear music they enjoy and none that might offend, annoy, or bore anyone. Keeping these facts in mind be sure to scrutinize every wedding band you interview with. Ask for references, a resume, and even audio and visual samples of their work. The best wedding bands will have the prepared and ready for you upon request. Accepting nothing less from any band you might be considering.

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