Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran: The Faculty of Medicine UNPAD Carnival Parade of THE 54th UNPAD ANNIVERSARY OOTRAD

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran
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The Faculty of Medicine UNPAD Carnival Parade of THE 54th UNPAD ANNIVERSARY OOTRAD
Nov 14th 2011, 06:44


The Faculty of Medicine UNPAD Carnival Parade of THE 54th UNPAD ANNIVERSARY OOTRAD

The peak of the 54th anniversary of Universitas Padjadjaran has been held on Sunday 13 November 2011 in a special event called OOTRAD at UNPAD Campus Jalan Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung. Before the OOTRAD each faculty sent their team in their carnival parades or aleut-aleutan

HEALTH FOR ALL is the theme of Faculty of Medicine UNPAD in the carnival parade. Students, lecturers, non academic staffs joined the team in the parade which took place at the area of Dago Car Free Day. The parade has been attended by the Dean, Vice Dean for Administration, General Affairs and Finance of the Faculty

The faculty parade then went back to UNPAD Campus at Dipati Ukur to continue the programme with the official opening ceremony of OOTRAD BY THE Rector Of UNPAD Prof Ir Ganjar Kurnia DEA

It was so tensioned – said some participants of the parade while the torch has been given to the Rector.The traditional Sundanese parade called Sisingaan has joined the torch ignition which symbolized the official opening of OOTRAD by the Rector


Aleut-aleutan Fakultas Kedokteran dalam rangka OOTrad Dies Natalis Unpad ke 54

Puncak acara Dies Natalis Unpad ke 54 diadakan Olimpiade Olahraga Tradisional (OOTrad), Minggu (13/11/11) bertempat di Kampus Universitas Padjadjaran jalan Dipati Ukur 25 Bandung. Sebelum puncak acara OOTrad dilaksanakan dimulai dengan aleut-aleutan dari setiap Fakultas.

" Kesehatan untuk Semua" demikian tema yang diusung oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Unpad dalam aleut-aleutan ini. Mahasiswa, dosen, staf kependidikan turut bergabung memeriahkan aleut-aleutan yang memenuhi area jalan Dago Car Free Day. Hadir Dekan, Pembantu Dekan Bidang Administrasi, Umum dan Keuangan FK Unpad dalam rombongan.

Rombongan aleut-aleutan kemudian kembali lagi ke Kampus Unpad jalan Dipati Ukur 25 Bandung untuk mengikuti upacara pembukaan OOTrad yang dibuka oleh Rektor Unpad ( Prof. Ir. Ganjar Kurnia, DEA).

"Menegangkan" ucap peserta aleut-aleutan ketika obor akan diberikan ke Rektor Unpad untuk pembukaan oleh tim lais. Kesenian sisingaan mengiringi penyalaan obor yang menandakan dibukanya acara OOTrad oleh Rektor Unpad.

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