4th International Conference on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (ICRT-2011)
10th Annual General Meeting ARCCNM
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (28 November – 2 December 2011)
WARMTH (World Association of Radiopharmceutical and Molecular Therapy) dan ARCCNM (The Asian Regional Cooperative Council of Nuclear Medicine adalah suatu organisasi internasional yang bergerak dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kedokteran nuklir. Indonesia adalah salah satu anggota di kedua organisasi tersebut.
Perkembangan kedokteran nuklir sangat pesat di beberapa negara, oleh karena itu dengan mengikuti perkembangan ilmu kedokteran nuklir dengan cara mengikuti dan mengirimkan karya ilmiah pada acara ilmiah internatisonal sangat bermanfaat. Salah satu acaranya adalah 4th International Conference Radiopharmaceutical Therapy. Indonesia juga berperan aktif dalam acara ilmiah tersebut, dalam acara ini sebanyak 14 residen dan 2 dokter spesialis kedokteran nuklir terpilih karya ilmiahnya untuk di presentasikan di event ini, yaitu:
Dr. A. Hussein S. Kartamihardja, SpKN,MH.Kes, pembimbing semua karya ilmiah, Dr. Aisyah Elliyanti, SpKN Serum Thyroglobulin Level Alone is Not Enough To Monitor Persistence or Reccurence Disease of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma, Dr. Dodi Nugraha, NaI-131 Radioablation for Well Diferentiated Thyroid Cancer at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Dr. Hendra Budiawan, SpKN; Role of FDG in Primary Lesion Identification (a preliminary Results), Dr. Ryan Yudistiro, Tc-99m MIBI Scanning for Follow Up of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Patients Post-therapy, Dr. Gani Gunawan, The Outcome of 23 Patients Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma With Lung Metastases \After Radiothyroablation, Dr. Ivana Dewi Mulyanto, Comparison of Tc-99m Ethambutol Scintigraphy and Scoring System in Diagnosing Pediatric Tuberculosis, Dr. Hapsari Indrawati, Unusual Metastases in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma : A Case Reports, Dr. Yustia Tuti, Radioactive Iodine Ablation in Young Adults with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma, Dr. Nopriwan, Head Mass with Radioactivity Uptake in Patients with Thyroid Cancer, Dr. Erwin Affandi, I-131 Therapy for Paediatrics Hyperthyroid : A Clinical Experience in Nuclear Medicine Department, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Indonesia, Dr. Alvita Dewi, Diagnosing Mutifocal Tuberculosis in Children with Tc-99m Ethambutol Scintigraphy; A Case Report, Dr. Fithriany S, Pattern of Metastases in Well Differentiated Microcarcinoma, Dr. Dessie Y, Outcome of Pregnancy After Radioactive Iodine Treatment, Dr. Aulia Huda, Role of Tc-99m Pertechnetate Thyroid Scintigraphy in Detecting Etiology of Congenital Hypothyroidism, Dr. Yulia Kurniawati, Theurapeutical Response Evaluation on Hyperthyroidism using Fixed Dosed of I-131, Dr. Andika Hananto G, Case Report ; Tc-99m Ethambutol Uptake in Case of Leprosy.
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